Having lived in the United States for many years, I have perhaps witnessed more trial by media than most people who live in Europe. Two of the most outrageous cases of this that come to mind were the trials in California of O. J. Simpson, and Michael Jackson. Hordes of press from all types of media outlets descended on these trials in a feeding frenzy of T V and print sensationalism. Rather than attempting to use these trials as a means of educating the public on the complexities of the U S judicial process, the media turned these events into a circus of luridness, half-truths, and innuendo. During these trials, the daily exploitation of the American judicial process by media outlets, for the financial gains of newspaper sales and T V ratings, left many Americans dismayed.
With this in mind, and not having the benefit of a legal department on my Blog, I have resisted the temptation to add my two cents worth in the Blogesphere, on the recent disclosures surrounding the propriety of the behavior of local politicians, Iris Robinson, and Gerry Adams.
Barring a diminished responsibility defense, due to mental illness, it seems clear that Iris Robinson will have her day in court to explain her very unusual concepts of fund raising, lobbying, and the bidding process, not to mention certain standards of ethics required of elected representatives.
With my very rudimentary legal knowledge, gained from “Lawyering for Idiots”, I would be the first to admit that I would be out of my depth on commenting on the legal issues surrounding the situation that Gerry Adams finds himself in, having admitted that when his niece, Aine Tyrell, accused his brother Liam, her father, of sexually assaulting her as a child, he believed his niece.
What I do know though is this; The actions of Gerry Adams after he was aware that his brother might be a pedophile, raise serious questions as to his judgment, as an elected representative of his community, and his responsibilities to the most defenseless section of that community, children.
The many inconsistencies, in Gerry Adam's many versions of events, detailing the actions he took in response to the accusations against his brother, have been well documented in the excellent reporting of Sunday Tribune Northern Editor, Suzanne Breen. (See Links Below)
Today on the Slugger O’Toole Blog Ms. Cahill, another woman who has claimed that she was repeatedly raped by a prominent Republican and that Gerry Adams was aware of the facts but failed to take action has issued an Open Letter to all Republicans.
Ms. Cahill is a niece of Joe Cahill, a veteran of the organization of which Gerry Adams was never a member.
The open letter is produced below in full.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
An open appeal to all Republicans from Ms Cahill
This statement comes to Slugger from Ms Cahill. It is carried in full.
Over the last number of weeks, there have been several allegations circulating – alleged to have been perpetrated by members of the Republican Movement.
There has been mixed reaction to this within the Republican Community, but particularly those within the Provisional republican movement, and those within Sinn Fein Circles. This reaction ranges from outright disgust, horror, condemnation, to the very damaging “turn a blind eye and say nothing” approach. There are obviously people understandably angry as a result – not least the victims. There is a lot of hurt within this community also, hurt which has been compounded by recent contradictions, mistruths, outright denials and certain media spin, which has the potential to deflect away from the real issue – the alleged cover up of paedophilia within certain quarters. Whatever that hurt, there are also families hurting too, people who are trying to come to terms with their lives right across this island, and trying to deal with the fact that members of these families were abused.
There are also parents, rightly angry and worried about their children. People are now backtracking through the years, wondering if their children have come into contact with perpetrators - and they are also rightly questioning if they trust the people they know now. This is a massive issue, and it is a disgrace that alleged child abusers have had free reign to have access to other children. Collectively, we now know more about the issue of sex offenders and reoffending rates. It is likely that perpetrators do not rehabilitate by just simply moving on somewhere else. We know as republicans of a number of cases being discussed at present – is this just the tip of the iceberg? How many more children have been put at risk as a result of mishandling, and in some cases planned facilitation of moving people around the country?
I also want to make it clear, paedophilia is not restricted to members of the Republican Movement. Unfortunately, paedophiles ingratiate themselves in all walks of life. In some instances they are our relatives, friends, priests, professionals, community and youth workers, lawyers, teachers, doctors – the list is endless. No one is blaming the republican movement for members of that movement who inflicted sexual abuse on others.
The blame, however is rightly centred around how the republican movement dealt with the issue, in several cases. It is clear from these cases that not once did the people involved either in so called investigating or in listening, directly report to any of the authorities. They also retraumatised victims of sexual abuse by either their chosen action, or inaction. It is also abundantly clear, for anyone who wishes to take the blinkers off, that paedophiles have been able to move around the country and further afield. In some cases they continued to masquerade as republicans, which in turn afforded them protection, or at the very least a degree of trust, which then also in turn made it easier for them to do what they did, unchecked. That is disgraceful, and brings a deep sense of shame on anyone who continues to support the republican ideology. The fault for this lies squarely with those in positions of power who espoused themselves as the epitome of republicanism, individuals who were looked up to by some, and who now feel tarnished by that association.
There are people out there now who have knowledge in different parts of Ireland on similar allegations of sexual abuse. Are you one of them? There are also people who have heard things on the grapevine about similar alleged cover-ups. Again, does this apply to you?
By not speaking out, you allow yourself to become complicit in the same alleged collective cover-up. I am appealing directly to all republicans from all persuasions to tell what you know. No perpetrator should be allowed to continue to abuse. No movement should give them succour by shielding them. And no republican should sit on the fence on this issue, waiting on other victims to come forward in the hope that the full story should start to emerge.
Be proactive. Do not continue with the legacy of silence. Out all the cases of child and adult sexual abuse. Highlight any suspicion, or knowledge of cover ups. Do this through whatever channel is comfortable for you. An email has been set up, by myself to deal with this issue. If this is an avenue you feel comfortable with using, use it.
I also want to directly appeal to those still within Sinn Fein. I am aware that some of you refuse to believe that this happened at all. People will make up their own minds on the issue. However, as a human, there has to be a shadow of doubt in your mind. Ask the hard questions, and demand an answer. If you are not happy, demand again. No one can afford to put politics over the safety of children. As a human being, you cannot afford to stay silent on this issue. Do the right thing.
Email: exposethetruth2010@hotmail.com
Is mise le meas
******* Cahill
EXCLUSIVE - Gerry Adams ignored two more rape victims
Grand-niece of Provo legend endured horrific sexual abuse
Sinn Fein denies mishandling abuse claim
‘Article was accurate and truthful account’ – rape victim
Rusty Nail @ 11:08 AM
A Sales Pitch for Ethnic Cleansing
3 hours ago
The letter is from Ms Cahill (not Aine)- great -neice of Joe Cahill, the statement saying Gerry is still lying was by Aine Tyrell Mr Adams own neice and daughter of his brother Liam. Two very brave women speaking against one very cowardly, rich politician. (who never tells lies and who was never in the IRA)
ReplyDeleteAll that it takes for evil to prosper is that good men do nothing.